Statement in Malay and English language
Kenyataan dalam bahasa Malaysia dan Inggeris


Parti Rakyat Malaysia berpendapat masanya sudah sampai untuk mengadakan pertemuan di antara Barisan Alternatif (BA) dengan Barisan Nasional (BN) bagi membincangkan masa depan rakyat dan negara. Ini lebih baik daripada mengadakan pertemuan di antara hanya PAS, keADILan dan UMNO semata-mata untuk membincangkan perpaduan orang Melayu. Bahkan kami berpendapat pertemuan enam mata yang dicadangkan oleh Dr Mahathir Mohamad dengan Ustaz Fadzil Noor dan Dr Wan Azizah Ismail tidak perlu.

Ramai pemimpin BA, termasuk, Ustaz Fadzil  dan  Dr Wan Azizah, sudah berkali-kali menegaskan tidak ada perpecahan di kalangan orang Melayu yang hendak dibincangkan. Yang berpecah ialah UMNO. Sekarang ini sebahagian orang Melayu sudah bersatu di bawah BA, tidak lagi di bawah BN. Dr Mahathir serta segala alatnya sengaja menimbulkan dan membesarkan isu-isu seperti  rayuan Suqiu, kedudukan istimewa orang Melayu, keturunan Perdana Menteri dan lain-lain untuk menimbulkan ketegangan kaum.

Lagi pula mereka berpendapat jikalau hendak diadakan juga pertemuan, maka perkara yang patut dibincangkan hendaklah lebih luas daripada hanya perpaduan orang Melayu. Ia seharusnya meliputi soal perpaduan negara, salah guna kuasa, pemusatan kekayaan di kalangan segelintir orang, penyelamatan syarikat kroni, korupsi, kemiskinan, keruntuhan akhlak dan bermacam-macam lagi.  Pandangan-pandangan para pemimpin BA ini sekarang telah disuarakan juga oleh Tun Ghafar Baba.

Dr Mahathir dan beberapa orang pemimpin UMNO yang lain mempunyai  tujuan politik tertentu untuk mengadakan pertemuan perpaduan Melayu itu. Mereka berharap akan dapat mencapai matlamat-matlamat: (a) menguatkan semula kedudukan Dr Mahathir sebagai pemimpin orang Melayu, (b) memulihkan sokongan pengundi Melayu kepada BN, (c) memesongkan perhatian rakyat Melayu daripada masalah-masalah besar yang ditimbulkan oleh Dr Mahathir, (d) menimbulkan keraguan orang bukan Melayu terhadap setengah-setengah Parti Alternatif kerana bersedia bersatu tenaga dengan UMNO, (e) mencetuskan perpecahan di kalangan parti-parti dalam BA, dan (f) menegangkan hubungan  kaum supaya dasar pecah dan perintah dapat terus dilaksanakan.

Kami berpendapat adalah tersangat silap sekiranya ada pucuk pimpinan BA yang  bersetuju berjumpa dengan Dr Mahathir mengikut cara serta format yang dicadangkan oleh Dr Mahathir dan UMNO sendiri. Dengan berbuat demikian bererti mereka  mengakui dakwaan Dr Mahathir bahawa orang Melayu sekarang ini memang berpecah. Lagi pula dengan disedari atau tidak disedari,  mereka akan membantu Dr Mahathir dan UMNO mencapai segala matlamat yang tersebut di atas. PRM gembira kerana para pemimpin PAS dan keADILan menyedari akan perangkap Dr Mahathir.

Dr Syed Husin Ali
Presiden PRM

7hb Januari 2001



Parti Rakyat Malaysia (PRM) views that the time is appropriate for holding a meeting between the Alternative Front (BA) and the National Front (BN) to discuss the future of the people and the country. This is more desirable than holding a meeting only between PAS, keADILan and UMNO for the sole purpose of discussing Malay unity. In fact, we believe that the face to face meeting between Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Ustaz Fadzil Noor and Dr Wan Azizah Ismail is really not necessary.

Several BA leaders, including Ustaz Fadzil and Dr Wan Azizah have repeatedly emphasised that there is no disunity among the Malays to be discussed about. Disunity is only within the UMNO now. At present, growing number of  are uniting behind BA and rather than behind the BN. Dr Mahathir, using the media and his instruments of power, is deliberately raising and magnifying all kinds of issues such as the Suqiu appeals, special position of Malays, ethnic qualification of the Prime Minister and many others to raise inter-ethnic uncertainty and tension.

Further, they are of the opinion that if indeed a meeting is going to be held, then the topics of discussion should more wide ranging than merely the question of Malay unity. The meeting should also discuss issues including national unity, social justice, concentration of wealth, bailout of cronies, corruption, poverty, moral degradation and so forth. Tun Ghafar Baba has now echoed the views of the BA leaders on these matters.

Dr Mahathir and a few other leaders of UMNO have their political objectives for calling the Malay unity meeting at this time. They hope to achieve the following objectives: (a) to strengthen again Dr Mahathir’s position as leader of the Malays, (b) to recover support from Malay voters for the BN, (c) to divert Malay public attention from major problems that have been caused by Dr Mahathir, (d) to create mistrust among non-Malays towards certain BA parties for wanting to cooperate with UMNO, (e) to cause split among the BA component parties, and (f) to exacerbate ethnic tension so that the policy of divide and rule can be perpetrated.

We are of the view that it is a mistake for any BA leader to agree with the meeting with Dr Mahathir according to the form and format suggested by him and UMNO. By attending such a meeting they will only be admitting that Dr Mahathir is correct in claiming that there is Malay disunity. Furthermore, consciously or unconsciously, they will only be helping Dr Mahathir to achieve the objectives stated above. PRM is glad and relived that the top leadership of PAS and keADILan are widely aware of the trap laid by Dr Mahathir.

Dr Syed Husin Ali
President PRM

7th January 2001